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Slowing Down Releases for Quality


Right now, releases are rushed, leaving little time for proper testing. Fixes are often made in a hurry, leading to bugs in production. There’s minimal time between demos and staging, making it difficult to catch issues early.

Why This Is a Problem:

  • Increases post-release bug fixes and firefighting.
  • Reduces confidence in deployments.
  • Creates stress for developers and QA.
  • Can harm the organization’s reputation if critical issues go live.

Discussion Questions:

  • How can we create more space for writing and improving tests without delaying releases?
  • Should we increase the time between demo and staging to allow for proper testing?
  • What should be the minimum testing criteria before a release?
  • Are there quick wins we can implement to improve testing coverage?
  • Should we allocate extra time/budget for writing robust tests for each new feature?
Reference No.: 2025-16629