Positium – Dashboard for visitor management in Lithuania
What is it about?
The Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation recently unveiled the project “Positium” which aims at facilitating access to tourism data, such as the location and movement of tourists, as well as the length of their stay and the places they visit. Positium uses data from both the public and private sectors to improve services for tourists, help businesses find new sources of income and help them market.
- Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation
- Lithuania Travel
implementation period: since March 2022
particularities: To further improve its data, the project is in contact with governments worldwide, including Estonia and Indonesia, to connect different data.
Further information:
- https://positium.com/blog/lithuania-launches-innovative-platform-that-gives-tourism-stakeholders-access-to-key-data
- https://ec.europa.eu/assets/grow/growth/_toolbox/tourism-tools-inventory/table-details.html?id=0
Contact: Gedimino av. 38, 01104 Vilnius, Lithuania; Phone: +370 698 03509, Email: info@lithuania.travel