Visitor management system for Nature Park Papuk
What is it about? Nature Park Papuk in Croatia is not only a recreation area but also a strict nature conservation area as well as part of the UNESCO Geoparks initiative. A visitor counting system has been installed so that the area's use and protection sustainability can be secured for the future.
The sensor technology used is based on infrared counting systems that record people, bicycles and vehicles. The data collected is then made available to the park management through computer-based analysis. Together with a web-based feedback loop, management can use the data to improve their strategies. Particular attention is paid to ensure that the park remains sustainable and to satisfying visitors. In addition, the impact of communication activities can be better co-ordinated.
- Papuk Nature Park
Implementation period: active at the moment, no further information available
Particularities: /
Further information:
- Josipa Jelačića 67, Samobor 10430, Croatia, Phone: +385-1-4242889, Email:
- Seat of the Institution Voćin, Trg Gospe Voćinske 11, 33 522 Voćin, Croatia, Phone: +385 33 781 721, Email: