Vision of a holistic tattoo legislation in the EU
This puplic participation process shall sketch a law improving tattoo safety preventing shortcomings of current measures
Currently, a REACH restriction on tattoo and permanent make-up inks was proposed by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) which may soon go into action. There are several major short coming with the proposal and choosing a REACH restriction as a legislational framework for tattoo ink ingredients.
With this project, we want to show that a true tattoo regulation (as proposed by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission) would have been possible.
This public participation process shall also result in ideas and recommandations for further legislational improvements in discussion with the competent authorities. Here, all arguments can be placed side by side- from tattoo artists, ink manufacturers, toxicologists and the general public alike.
The ESTP comments to the REACH restriction on tattoo inks can be found here:
Also, the ESTP send out an open letter to the European Commission commenting on important short comings of the current REACH restriction proposal:
Contact for questions
ESTP Secretary
Nordre Fasanvej 113, 2.
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Online participation
Writing a vision of a tattoo legislation
Writing a vision of a tattoo legislation
Type of participation: text review
14 Contributions -
Brainstorming - Your ideas to improve tattooing
Brainstorming - Your ideas to improve tattooing
Type of participation: brainstorming
0 Contributions -
Discussion: What are safe ingredients and how to conduct market surveillance?
Discussion: What are safe ingredients and how to conduct market surveillance?
Type of participation: prioritization
0 Contributions