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FuturesDay Manifest

We are writing this Manifest as a base for a progressive/ dynamic communication tool among each other and with you. (...) Do not hesitate to use the communication tool below the sign if you want to leave a thought, smile or suggestion. This Manifest understands itself as a collectively growing medium.

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Building resonance space and human reconnection

Rituals as a tool to offer the potential for human growth. 

Imagination of the future with the help of rituals

Rituals focus on the community and bring about a resonance space within the community and therefore a feeling of connectedness. 

Rituals give moments of reflection, a contrary to the constant communication, so called communication noise also driven by the digital culture. We all know a moment of silence/ quietness is needed to be receptive.

Rituals are an Act of homeostasis

Rituals objectify the world, conveying a reference to the world. They can give future thoughts, a frame - an "enclosure”.

On the FuturesDay people enter into exchange with each other through the help of rituals and ritualised actions.

Verlust der Rituale und Routinen. Rituale rund um alltägliche Verrichtungen super wirkmächtig - gemeinsam vor dem Essen schweigen, überhaupt gemeinsam Essen, im Kreis sprechen (Potential Rituale)  

Rituale des Miteinanders etablieren und pflegen

Ganz grob geht es uns um die Gestaltung von (wir nennen es) future Rituals für ein konkretes zulassen, denken und erproben von Zukünften innerhalb einer Gemeinschaft. Erlebnisse aus der Zukunft heute erden

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