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FuturesDay Manifest

We are writing this Manifest as a base for a progressive/ dynamic communication tool among each other and with you. (...) Do not hesitate to use the communication tool below the sign if you want to leave a thought, smile or suggestion. This Manifest understands itself as a collectively growing medium.

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Room for spirituality and science to coexist

We are all shapers of the circumstances in which we and our fellow people live.. FuturesDay is a space for action or an open space that creates participatory possibilities for shaping our society and in doing so follows the path of the post-growth state.

Kultur des Zukünftigen und damit Kultur der kritischen Auseinandersetzung im den Umgang mit Zukunftsdenken fördern!  Our approach is to critically reflect our current culture model (of..) and act differently (within ..) to create a culture that lives in peace, respect and solidarity with all human animal living generations now and coming on this planet.   

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