Consultation of the civil society of the Open Government Partnership Germany

Transparency and participation is a top priority for the Open Government Partnership Germany. That is why they are currently developing their National Action Plan together with civil society on adhocracy+. In general, Open Government is to be understood as a holistic approach that aims to revive democracy. Open government and open administration are the basis for this. The current participation revolves around various political topics and continues until March 29. However, the project will not be completed by then; the brainstorming is merely a first step in the process.
On the project page, the timeline shows the different stages of participation: in phase 1, the action plan is drafted and commented on, followed by a discussion event. In Phase 2, the draft National Action Plan can then be commented on. The project culminates in the Open Government Week from May 17 to 21.
You can also participate until March 29 on the project page of the Open Government Partnership Germany.