Cluster Farming
Cluster farming refers to a group of small holder farmers who collaborates on joint sharing of buying and using implement, negotiations, selling to same buyer, etc. Cluster farmers are farmers in the same location or growing the same commodities
This project is a part of an ongoing research work targetted at finding sustainable solution to the various challenges that smallholder farmers face in the South Western region of Nigeria. The result of this quiz will form an integral part of the report that will be submitted to the concerned stakeholders.
Contact for questions
Telephone: +212672044090
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Cluster farming Poll
Cluster farming refers to a group of small holder farmers who collaborates on joint sharing of buying and using implement, negotiations, selling to same buyer, etc. Cluster farmers are farmers in the same location, growing varieties of crops targeted for the same market. This quiz will test respondents' attitude towards the creation of cluster farming as a support strategy to smallholder farming in Nigeria.