Vision of a holistic tattoo legislation in the EU
This puplic participation process shall sketch a law improving tattoo safety preventing shortcomings of current measures
Discussion: What are safe ingredients and how to conduct market surveillance?
In this module single topics can be discussed and rated. Not all aspects may be added in the final proposal. However, it is important to share ideas, whishes and arguments for future discussions with authorities about a tattoo legislation. By voting (arrows) you can indicate your support or rejection to each topic and individual comments. This is how they gain relevance. Please keep in mind that it is of greatest value in a discussion to give suggestions for improvement if you not agree with an idea.
Preservatives - blue list of substances with low expected toxicity
"Blue list" of auxiliary ingredients with low expected toxicity
More questions from this online participation
Writing a vision of a tattoo legislation
Writing a vision of a tattoo legislation
Type of participation: text review
14 Contributions -
Brainstorming - Your ideas to improve tattooing
Brainstorming - Your ideas to improve tattooing
Type of participation: brainstorming
0 Contributions