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Vision of a holistic tattoo legislation in the EU

This puplic participation process shall sketch a law improving tattoo safety preventing shortcomings of current measures

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Writing a vision of a tattoo legislation

This puplic participation process shall sketch a law improving tattoo safety preventing shortcomings of current measures. The text is divided in fragments. Please comment directly to what is in each text fragment. By voting (arrows) you can indicate your support or rejection to each topic and individual comments. This is how they gain relevance. Please keep in mind that it is of greatest value in a discussion to give suggestions for improvement if you not agree with an idea.

Participation is not possible at the moment. It ended on .
General comments on the draft
what would you like to change? [individual values, lists of ingredients will be discussed in later phases]


This resolution applies to:

  • the composition and labelling of products used for tattoos and permanent make-up (PMU);
  • the risk evaluation required before products used for tattoos and PMU are placed on the market;
  • the conditions of the application of tattoos and PMU;
  • the obligation to inform the public and the consumer of the health risks of tattoos and PMU and tattooing practices;
  • harmonised methods for analysing certain impurities.

More questions from this online participation

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