What makes adhocracy+ special

1. No need for prior technical knowledge
Our platform gives you an easy start into digital democracy: It requires no programming knowledge, no installation and no updates. As an organization you get your own area on adhocracy+, where you can start participation projects right away.

2. A great choice of participation modules
adhocracy+ offers a wide range of currently ten different participation modules, which allow the digital representation of many types of discussion and participation processes.

3. Developed by a non-profit association
Liquid Democracy has been developing concepts and software for digital democracy as a non-profit association since 2009. We do not want to generate profit with adhocracy+, but to contribute to a modern, transparent and democratic culture.

4. Free and Open Source
The use of adhocracy+ is free of charge. We finance the further development and operation of adhocracy+ from donations and extra services. The code of adhocracy+ is open and can be viewed, used and edited free of charge.

5. We protect your data
We take data protection very seriously and will never collect or sell your data for advertising purposes. In addition, the platform and all data are hosted on servers in Germany.
Functions that are offered by adhocracy+
Our platform offers a wide range of functions that allow you to easily carry out participation projects. In the following overview you will find a selection of the most important modules and functions.
1. Set Topics

Participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others.

Spatial Brainstorming
Participants can submit their own ideas and locate them on a map. They can also discuss the ideas of others.

Participants can answer open and multiple choice questions and comment on the poll.
2. Discuss Ideas

Text Review
Participants can discuss the paragraphs of a text that you added beforehand.

Debate Module
The participants can lead structured discussions. The contributions can be marked as suggestions, comments or questions.

Interactive Event
The participants of an event can ask their questions online. Other participants can support the question. You as the moderator can sort the questions by support or affiliation.
3. Make Decisions

Idea Challenge
In a first phase, participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others. In a second phase, the ideas can be rated (pro/contra).

Spatial Idea Challenge
In a first phase, participants can submit their own ideas, mark them on a map, and discuss the ideas of others. In a second phase, the ideas can be rated (pro/contra).

Participatory Budgeting
Participants can submit their own suggestions, mark them on a map, and add a budget. The ideas of others can be discussed and rated (pro/contra).

Participants can discuss and rate (pro/contra) previously added ideas and topics. Participants cannot add ideas or topics.
More functions of adhocracy+
Complex participation processes
Complex participation processes often consist of more than one idea challenge or poll. You can define complex processes by combining the participation modules and adding events in the administration interface.
During the design, conception and development of adhocracy+ we pay great attention to the standards for accessible web applications so that the participation projects are open to as large a circle of participants as possible.
Private Projects
If you only want to involve a certain group of participants, you can mark a participation project as private and invite the participants via their e-mail addresses. This is very useful for participation in committees or organizations, for example.
Optimized for smartphones and tablets
adhocracy+ is developed as a modern web application and adapts to desktop devices as well as smartphones and tablets by using a responsive design.
Using adhocracy+
Convinced of the functions? Then register your organization on adhocracy+!