Develop a mission statement together

What are the benefits of a jointly created mission statement?
The joint development of mission statements can bring many advantages for associations, cooperatives and university institutions, but, depending on their size, also poses considerable logistical challenges for the organizations. For large organizations, or decentralized organizations, it can sometimes be expensive and very time-consuming to activate all those involved in the process. Therefore an integrated online participation in mission statement processes is helpful. With adhocracy+ you can integrate as many people as possible from your organization into the process of the mission statement and develop it. Reflecting on the common goals leads to more cohesion. In addition, a jointly created mission statement offers you communication support for the employees or members of your organization.
The joint development of mission statements includes the formulation of a mission and vision. Often the organisational culture and target group are also reflected in the mission statement. Slogans for the organization can also be developed together. An iterative approach is advantageous for the development of a common mission statement, as this process has a certain inherent complexity. In concrete terms, this means that you can bring the results of each participation phase back into the process and further develop them - online and through joint meetings.
Depending on the possibilities, the joint mission statement can be developed via adhocracy+ through pure online participation or as cross-media participation (recommended). In the case of a pure online participation, the procedure must be structured very well by you in advance. Improving the structure during the process is either in the case of cross-media participation. adhocracy+ offers you all the necessary digital tools for this.
Here you will find a proposal for the process flow. Depending on the number of potential participants and the frequency of meetings, it makes sense to extend or shorten phases.
- Preparation (approx. 2 weeks)
- Participation Phase 1: Survey or event with participants (approx. 1-2 weeks)
- Participation Phase 2: Commenting on and prioritizing guiding principles (approx. 1 week)
- Participation Phase 3: Formation of a mission and vision from the guiding principles and vote (approx. 1 week)
- Meeting / plenary session or presentation of the results
Modules used by adhocracy+
Participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others.
Participants can answer open and multiple choice questions and comment on the poll.
Idea Challenge
In a first phase, participants can submit their own ideas and discuss
the ideas of others. In a second phase, the ideas can be rated (pro/contra).
Estimated effort
The effort for you as initiator of the process is about 2-4 hours for setting up on adhocracy+ and about 2-3 hours/week for moderation, activation and summary of the contributions. Between the individual phases, the results must be summarized and prepared.
Liquid Democracy
A good example: As a non-profit association with flat hierarchies, we
used this process to develop our new mission statement in 2016.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has successfully developed a common campus model with Adhocracy. The centre for this was an online platform.